Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
S is for Sunday
The last day of the weekend. The day before Monday. Two day's before Tuesday. Three day's before Wednesday. Four days before Thursday. And then FIVE whole days until Friday. When that appears to be the case, it's hard to understand why they even make Sunday part of the week! ..okay, I know that's a stupid thing to say, because if there was no Sunday, there would only be a 1 day weekend..Saturday! And if that were the case, well I would feel the same way about that day as a do Sunday!
Okay then, keep on topic!! So anyways, you could probably tell by my opening paragraph, that Sunday isn't my favorite day. Well I mean..I guess they aren't toooo bad if you think about it. It's one of the day's I live for.. THE WEEKEND! And you don't have to go to school...OK, so my blog is about how I don't like Sundays..well duhh! So I should probably stop talking about the good things about Sunday, and focus on the bad.
So, putting all this aside, I want to know what other people think about Sundays. Am I completely alone on this one? Or am I one of many who share the same thoughts?
Life lesson: Weekends are like Rainbows, they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them.
Okay then, keep on topic!! So anyways, you could probably tell by my opening paragraph, that Sunday isn't my favorite day. Well I mean..I guess they aren't toooo bad if you think about it. It's one of the day's I live for.. THE WEEKEND! And you don't have to go to school...OK, so my blog is about how I don't like Sundays..well duhh! So I should probably stop talking about the good things about Sunday, and focus on the bad.
So, putting all this aside, I want to know what other people think about Sundays. Am I completely alone on this one? Or am I one of many who share the same thoughts?
Life lesson: Weekends are like Rainbows, they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them.
I commented on Emma's blog!
Monday, May 3, 2010
G is for guitar.

For my 7th birthday, my parents got me a guitar. At first I wasn't very interested, as most 7 year old are when they have been placed with some kind of instrument that they haven't ever gave a second thought about before. But my Dad, seemed to be able to look into the future, and saw how much I much I enjoy playing the guitar 5 years from then. And then, after a lot of persuading, I finally agreed to take on the guitar. And now, the guitar is my by far, favourite instrument.
It's the feeling of picking up my guitar after a long hard day at school and knowing that all my bad thoughts were going to disappear. It's the thrill you get when you've just mastered a new song, and the amount of happiness that comes across you when you've just completed a new riff.
When ever I play my guitar, I feel like I'm in my own world.
I just read Emma's blog on being able to learn guitar in music class. And I personally agree with her 100%. I know there's lots of other people who play the guitar, and there's probably a lot more who would enjoy the experience of it. Adding on to that... I think that we should be able to play any instrument that gives us the same impact as the guitar has on me.
Life lesson: Never say no to a new opportunity, because you never know where it could get you!
O is for Oceans

Just recently, I watched this movie and got completely inspirited by it! I had no clue that that there were so many endangered animals struggling to survive because every thing that we are doing to this Earth. Not only that, but I learnt about some sea creatures that I would never of heard of otherwise. Just watching how the baby turtles struggle to reach the ocean because of the seagulls and other huge power full birds brought tears to my eyes. And how all these fish, who know that there is a huge chance of them getting eaten everyday, our still here fighting for there lives.
There are so many beautiful, amazing animals in the ocean, and I think we should acknowledge that more, and take in how lucky we are that we are surrounded by these amazing creatures. Even the killer wale, and the sharks. It is amazing how just one large area of water can contain so many lives.
So my objective here was to try and persuade people to go and see this movie, because if it effected you the same way as it did me, then I am sure you will get something out of it. I don't know about other people, and if they they feel the same way as me. But over all I would advise you to go and see this movie.
Life lesson: We never know the worth of water, until the well is dry.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
M is for March break
"A week in Dominican Republic", my Dad finally decided after a lot of thinking. I honestly had no idea where this place was, so I had no idea what expect! I wasn't to excited, seeing as we weren't going with any friends or anything. But I had no clue that this was going to be the best holiday of my life!
Because are flight was at like 5:30 am, we stayed in a hotel in Toronto right next to the air port to save us from having to get up at 1:30 am. But still, we had to get up pretty early.
"Get up Georgia, we're going to miss are flight!". screamed my Dad as he was walking out the door. And then, after 2 hours of waiting in the air port, and a 4 hour flight, we were finally there.
When we landed, the very first thing I noticed was the airport! OMG I thought, as I took my fist look. The air port was made out of palm tree's and wood, and the people there were very nice. They greeted us by taking pictures with us and welcoming us. I knew I was going to a tropical country, but I never imagined it to be this great! We then took a bus to are hotel. When I was traveling along the bumpy road, with the music in the back ground, I noticed the real life of these places. Houses made from palm tree leafs, kids with no clothes on running down the street. It made me realize how lucky I was to be me.
After about 40 minutes in the bus, we arrived at our hotel. First things first, beach and pool! That's when I knew that this was going to be the best holiday of my life! The worm blue ocean, the golden sand, and the huge pool was enough to get my attached to this place! The worst part about it was that I got pretty badly burnt...on the fist day.
But the BEST part about this whole trip was the people I met. I met so many amazing friends that I know that 'm going to keep for a really long time. So when I left, I obviously cried.
Life lesson: The holiday might be over, but the memories will stay for ever.
Because are flight was at like 5:30 am, we stayed in a hotel in Toronto right next to the air port to save us from having to get up at 1:30 am. But still, we had to get up pretty early.
"Get up Georgia, we're going to miss are flight!". screamed my Dad as he was walking out the door. And then, after 2 hours of waiting in the air port, and a 4 hour flight, we were finally there.
When we landed, the very first thing I noticed was the airport! OMG I thought, as I took my fist look. The air port was made out of palm tree's and wood, and the people there were very nice. They greeted us by taking pictures with us and welcoming us. I knew I was going to a tropical country, but I never imagined it to be this great! We then took a bus to are hotel. When I was traveling along the bumpy road, with the music in the back ground, I noticed the real life of these places. Houses made from palm tree leafs, kids with no clothes on running down the street. It made me realize how lucky I was to be me.
After about 40 minutes in the bus, we arrived at our hotel. First things first, beach and pool! That's when I knew that this was going to be the best holiday of my life! The worm blue ocean, the golden sand, and the huge pool was enough to get my attached to this place! The worst part about it was that I got pretty badly burnt...on the fist day.
But the BEST part about this whole trip was the people I met. I met so many amazing friends that I know that 'm going to keep for a really long time. So when I left, I obviously cried.
Life lesson: The holiday might be over, but the memories will stay for ever.
I comented on Aleda's blog about people.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
H is for home.
I don't know what home is for me, I know that sound's kinda stupid, but isn't your home a place where you feel comfortable and safe? I guess your home is where you live, and where your parents are (in most cases), but how can you like your home, if you don't feel very comfortable in it? If you don't feel safe in it? If this doesn't occur to you, then how can it feel like home?
When I say I "I don't know what home is for me", I mean, some times I talk about going back "home" to England, when really, my home is here, in Canada. It confuses me allot. It's not like I don't like Canada..which I do, it's that England was my home for many years, and changing from that whole culture of things is challenging.
Anyway, moving on....I remember the first house that I ever lived in. It was in a place called Breadsal, Derby. It was a tiny 400 year old cottage, very worm and cozy. I don't remember it too much, because I only lived there until I was 4, but I remember that I absolutely loved it!
Then I moved again, to a place called Quarndon, Derby. Where I started school. I lived there for 7-8 years...which is quite allot for me. Then I moved to Canada. We rented our first house. It was in Waterloo, and we lived there for about a year. I liked it there allot, but it took allot of adjusting and getting use too! Last but not least, my home now. It's in Blair. This is probably one of the nicest places I've ever lived! With a very nice house, a friendly community and school friends right next door, it's hard not to enjoy.
Life lesson: A house is built with wood and beams. A home is built with love and dreams.
I comented on Hayleys blog!
When I say I "I don't know what home is for me", I mean, some times I talk about going back "home" to England, when really, my home is here, in Canada. It confuses me allot. It's not like I don't like Canada..which I do, it's that England was my home for many years, and changing from that whole culture of things is challenging.
Anyway, moving on....I remember the first house that I ever lived in. It was in a place called Breadsal, Derby. It was a tiny 400 year old cottage, very worm and cozy. I don't remember it too much, because I only lived there until I was 4, but I remember that I absolutely loved it!
Then I moved again, to a place called Quarndon, Derby. Where I started school. I lived there for 7-8 years...which is quite allot for me. Then I moved to Canada. We rented our first house. It was in Waterloo, and we lived there for about a year. I liked it there allot, but it took allot of adjusting and getting use too! Last but not least, my home now. It's in Blair. This is probably one of the nicest places I've ever lived! With a very nice house, a friendly community and school friends right next door, it's hard not to enjoy.
Life lesson: A house is built with wood and beams. A home is built with love and dreams.
I comented on Hayleys blog!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
How would you get through life with out them. How would you cope? Who would you go to for advise when your parents are out. Yes, I'm talking about friends. I have quite allot of friends, half English and half Canadian. In Canada, I have 4 really amazing friends who help me get through everything (well most of the time anyway). Emma, Rowena, Aleda and Jenny.
I have already wrote a blog about Emma and Jenny. So you probably get the point, they are really good friends. Now Aleda. Emma actually introduced us at the beginning of Gr.7. And we became really great friends, really quickly. We have so much in common. We both love laughing at things that really aren't that funny. We both love teasing Emma (as a joke), and we both did wrestling together. We could get a laugh out of everything, especially some of the moves we did when we were worming up!
And now Rowena. Emma introduced us as well, and I really like lots of things about her. Sure, she's not the loudest person in the world, but when she does say something, it is defiantly worth listening to. She is really nice and a good person to talk to if you are in need of anything. And you know that you can defiantly trust her.
I'm also good fiends with Hayley, Blain, Jamie and Emilie R. There's a huge variety! Some nice and quite, and some nice and loud. Some I can trust more then other's, but they all mean the same to me:)
In England I had two amazing friends...Olivia and Ellie. We use to do every thing together! I had known them ever since I was 3 years old, and even though I've not seen them for a while, it feels like their always with me. Sure I miss them allot, but when one door closes, another one opens, which is like what happened with me and my friends.
Life lesson: Never forget the people who mean most to you, and never take them for granted.
I have already wrote a blog about Emma and Jenny. So you probably get the point, they are really good friends. Now Aleda. Emma actually introduced us at the beginning of Gr.7. And we became really great friends, really quickly. We have so much in common. We both love laughing at things that really aren't that funny. We both love teasing Emma (as a joke), and we both did wrestling together. We could get a laugh out of everything, especially some of the moves we did when we were worming up!
And now Rowena. Emma introduced us as well, and I really like lots of things about her. Sure, she's not the loudest person in the world, but when she does say something, it is defiantly worth listening to. She is really nice and a good person to talk to if you are in need of anything. And you know that you can defiantly trust her.
I'm also good fiends with Hayley, Blain, Jamie and Emilie R. There's a huge variety! Some nice and quite, and some nice and loud. Some I can trust more then other's, but they all mean the same to me:)
In England I had two amazing friends...Olivia and Ellie. We use to do every thing together! I had known them ever since I was 3 years old, and even though I've not seen them for a while, it feels like their always with me. Sure I miss them allot, but when one door closes, another one opens, which is like what happened with me and my friends.
Life lesson: Never forget the people who mean most to you, and never take them for granted.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
D is for dreams
Every body has a dream in life. Some may have no idea what it is yet, and some know exactly what they want to do. And just to make sure that we're all clear, I'm not talking about the sort of dream that you have when you fall to sleep, I mean like, what you want to be when your older and what your goals in life are. Maybe it's being a movie star, a fashion designer, a soccer player or even a astronaut. Maybe it's coming in first in your ski race, or getting an A on your Math test.
For example, Aleda wants to be a movie director. I could totally imagine her sitting in the "directors" seat, screaming,"CUT, your doing it all wrong" or, "no no, your suppose to do it like that". But that's just her personality. I personally wouldn't like to have a job like that, and would not be very good at it. That's just me. And every one is different.
What do I want to do in life? I would love to be in a band, or do something that has to do with music, maybe be a drum or guitar teacher. I really don't no. But I love music. There's just something about going down to the basement and playing on my drums. It's like all my worries disappear. I feel free, like a whole new person has just jumped out of me. It is the most amazing feeling ever. Or when I'm playing my guitar, pretending I'm preforming in front of a live audience and jumping around being a right weirdo. I absolutely love it.
Are personality tells allot about what we are going to do in life. Some people even think they know exactly what they want to be, and then a year later, they have a completely different dream. And like what all those celebrities say, do what you love and don't let any one bring you down.
Life lesson: Never give up on a dream.
For example, Aleda wants to be a movie director. I could totally imagine her sitting in the "directors" seat, screaming,"CUT, your doing it all wrong" or, "no no, your suppose to do it like that". But that's just her personality. I personally wouldn't like to have a job like that, and would not be very good at it. That's just me. And every one is different.
What do I want to do in life? I would love to be in a band, or do something that has to do with music, maybe be a drum or guitar teacher. I really don't no. But I love music. There's just something about going down to the basement and playing on my drums. It's like all my worries disappear. I feel free, like a whole new person has just jumped out of me. It is the most amazing feeling ever. Or when I'm playing my guitar, pretending I'm preforming in front of a live audience and jumping around being a right weirdo. I absolutely love it.
Are personality tells allot about what we are going to do in life. Some people even think they know exactly what they want to be, and then a year later, they have a completely different dream. And like what all those celebrities say, do what you love and don't let any one bring you down.
Life lesson: Never give up on a dream.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
T is for Toby
First of all, Toby is my English cousin. And since we have gone on like four holiday's together every year and used to see each other almost every weekend, we got to be pretty close. Toby is 12 years old, he is really nice, funny and if you need some one to talk to, he is always there. He has blond long hair and is pretty tall. Actually he is really tall. He has an older brother, James and a younger brother, named Philip. And of course, they're my cousins as well. He also loves music, he plays the drums and the guitar, just like me.
I have some really amazing memories with Toby. We would always have so much fun, playing pranks on our brothers. One of my best memories was at my Grandma's house. The whole family was over, and me and Toby ran around the house ringing the door bell and running away, thinking that they didn't know it was us. We were only 6, but we would keep doing it until they got so annoyed that they would jump out and scare us.
Another great memory is when we were all in Weymouth (south of England) on holiday, and found this huge sand hill, and we sat on our body bords, and then slid down it. We thought we were going like 100000 miles and hour... ya, no!! But our imaginations would take us away, and that was an amazing feeling.
Toby is defiantly one of the best cousins anyone could ever have.
Life Lesson: Friends, even if they are related to you can always make you smile.
I have some really amazing memories with Toby. We would always have so much fun, playing pranks on our brothers. One of my best memories was at my Grandma's house. The whole family was over, and me and Toby ran around the house ringing the door bell and running away, thinking that they didn't know it was us. We were only 6, but we would keep doing it until they got so annoyed that they would jump out and scare us.
Another great memory is when we were all in Weymouth (south of England) on holiday, and found this huge sand hill, and we sat on our body bords, and then slid down it. We thought we were going like 100000 miles and hour... ya, no!! But our imaginations would take us away, and that was an amazing feeling.
Toby is defiantly one of the best cousins anyone could ever have.
Life Lesson: Friends, even if they are related to you can always make you smile.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
J is for Jenny
On my first day here at SJK, I noticed this small pretty girl sitting at the back of the classroom. She seemed quite and pretty shy, and because we had never talked to each other in grade 6, I would never of thought that we would be really close friends in grade 7. We would never of thought of talking or really ever hanging out. We both had really different friends and didnt really think about it much.
Jenny. Jenny is now one of my best friends. But how could two girls who had never really met each other before be such good friends the next year. I guess this was because I made friends with some of her friends, and we got intreduced. Thats when I knew that we were going to be really good freinds.
About Jenny. Well the first thing you should probaly know is that Jenny really likes her horse(s). That is mainly what she talks about, well attually thats all she talks about. It can be pretty intresting hearing about how she jumpt that jump, or how she came in 3rd in the compition, or how she gave her horse a bath. But she tells you like the same thing 5 times in a day, and doesnt even notice. No effence Jenny, it's pretty funny!! Jenny also likes those pizza/bread things. Yah, I have no idea what they are, but they look really good and she has them like every day for lunch.
Oh, and Jenny is not shy atall. She attually talks quite alot. And when she does talk it is defently worth listening to, she has the best advise. And really incourages me to do my home work, witch is quite helpfull seeing as I don't do that too much. She is so friendly and is always there for me when I need a friend.
Life lesson: People you don't even know can turn out to be your best friends.
Jenny. Jenny is now one of my best friends. But how could two girls who had never really met each other before be such good friends the next year. I guess this was because I made friends with some of her friends, and we got intreduced. Thats when I knew that we were going to be really good freinds.
About Jenny. Well the first thing you should probaly know is that Jenny really likes her horse(s). That is mainly what she talks about, well attually thats all she talks about. It can be pretty intresting hearing about how she jumpt that jump, or how she came in 3rd in the compition, or how she gave her horse a bath. But she tells you like the same thing 5 times in a day, and doesnt even notice. No effence Jenny, it's pretty funny!! Jenny also likes those pizza/bread things. Yah, I have no idea what they are, but they look really good and she has them like every day for lunch.
Oh, and Jenny is not shy atall. She attually talks quite alot. And when she does talk it is defently worth listening to, she has the best advise. And really incourages me to do my home work, witch is quite helpfull seeing as I don't do that too much. She is so friendly and is always there for me when I need a friend.
Life lesson: People you don't even know can turn out to be your best friends.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
E is Emma
One of the strangest people you would ever meet... Emma. Even though she is weird, and mostly annoying, she is my friend, so I shouldn't really be saying these mean things about her. But over all that weird stuff about Emma, she is reeeaaallly funny! Like one time in grade 6, she told us all that that if you drink your milk this way, not much comes out (she made the top really small) And then when she drank it, it went all over her! It probably doesn't seem that funny, but you would of had to been there.
Another funny incident with Emma, well in grade 6, we were listening to Mr Carswel in science. When Emma decides to play with her purple pen..(not a good idea), because a few minutes later I here Emma whispering, "Georgia, Georgia, help me, get a paper towel", so then I look over at Emma and her face and top was covered in purple. Ms Carswell was still talking not even noticing this. Emma starts to go bright red as more and more people realized that her pen had just exploded in her face. She starting to climb under the table hoping no one would see, well every one in the class was watching her and laughing, and Mr.Carswell still hadn't noticed. Now she was under the table spitting out all this purple ink, and I was just giving her lots of paper towels. Finally Mr.Carswell saw Emma, he was even laughing and told her to go to the bathroom. Her bright red face came up out from the table and started to walk to their.
I'm sorry Emma, for saying all these embarrassing things about you..:) She also attended the Geography challenge, even though she didn't exactly come in first place, she tried really hard and did well. And the information you heard about her when she walked up, well that was all true, she loovves Platypuses. She also is in love with her horse and never stops talking about him. She really likes playing hockey and when we're on the school pond, she loves racing us and pushing us, and making seen like we suck at skating. So the reason I did my blog post on Emma is because she is a pretty interesting person, she has so many carteristics. She is a really good friend and there is so much more I could say about her, but I don't want to make my blog post really long and boring (like Emma's)!!!!
Life Lesson: Don't judge a book by its cover!
Another funny incident with Emma, well in grade 6, we were listening to Mr Carswel in science. When Emma decides to play with her purple pen..(not a good idea), because a few minutes later I here Emma whispering, "Georgia, Georgia, help me, get a paper towel", so then I look over at Emma and her face and top was covered in purple. Ms Carswell was still talking not even noticing this. Emma starts to go bright red as more and more people realized that her pen had just exploded in her face. She starting to climb under the table hoping no one would see, well every one in the class was watching her and laughing, and Mr.Carswell still hadn't noticed. Now she was under the table spitting out all this purple ink, and I was just giving her lots of paper towels. Finally Mr.Carswell saw Emma, he was even laughing and told her to go to the bathroom. Her bright red face came up out from the table and started to walk to their.
I'm sorry Emma, for saying all these embarrassing things about you..:) She also attended the Geography challenge, even though she didn't exactly come in first place, she tried really hard and did well. And the information you heard about her when she walked up, well that was all true, she loovves Platypuses. She also is in love with her horse and never stops talking about him. She really likes playing hockey and when we're on the school pond, she loves racing us and pushing us, and making seen like we suck at skating. So the reason I did my blog post on Emma is because she is a pretty interesting person, she has so many carteristics. She is a really good friend and there is so much more I could say about her, but I don't want to make my blog post really long and boring (like Emma's)!!!!
Life Lesson: Don't judge a book by its cover!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
F is for fears
Public speaking. Flying. Starting a new School. Three of my greatest fears.
Fliying- The first time I ever went on an aireplane, I was one years old. I don't really remember to much about it, only what my perants told me. That I was screaming the whole way there. Since then and now I have flown on a plain about 20 times. When I was about 9 years old, I got use to flighing on an aireplain and loved that whole experiance, and as I got more and more use to it, I liked it alot better. By the age of 10 I had no problam getting on an plain and flighing a 7 hour jerny back and forht between England and Canada. But it was then when I started watching MayDay. This is a show about all the plain crashes since, well very early on. I know that plain crashes are really rare, but watching this show made my forget about all that. In this show, a few actors acted out what really happend. When all the smoke goes into the cabins and every one is caughing for there lifes, or when 3 out of 4 enjins break down and there's no other choise but to make an emergecy landing. When sitting in your seat knowing that this was your last few hours left on earth. I would hate to experiance that, witch is why im dreading to go on plains now. The most scary part about going on a plain for me is right at the biggining when the flight attendants or showing what to do incase of an emergency. oh, and I hate going to the wash room on plains. I just hold it in untill I can't bear it anymore. That is why flighin is one of my biggest yeah.
Public speaking- Well I did my whole last blog post on public speaking, so I don't want to bore you by repeating it all. But you probaly get the fact that I'm reallllly scared of it.
Starting a new school- Walking down those scary hall ways, all eyes on you. No one wants to have any thing to do with you because your "different". It's all silent apart from a few wispers. Starting as new school. I personly hate that whole experiance. And I know that I am not alone when one of my greatest fears is starting a new school. I have only started a new school once in my life, which isn't to bad compeard to some other people I know. How scary would it be to start 4 diferent schools in four differenty countries. I would neveer be able to do that. Thats why starting new schools is one of my 3 biggest fears!
Public speaking. Flying. Starting a new school. Three of my biggest fears.
Life lesson- Never let your fears bring you down, and never avoid them. The more you do them the less hard it gets.
Fliying- The first time I ever went on an aireplane, I was one years old. I don't really remember to much about it, only what my perants told me. That I was screaming the whole way there. Since then and now I have flown on a plain about 20 times. When I was about 9 years old, I got use to flighing on an aireplain and loved that whole experiance, and as I got more and more use to it, I liked it alot better. By the age of 10 I had no problam getting on an plain and flighing a 7 hour jerny back and forht between England and Canada. But it was then when I started watching MayDay. This is a show about all the plain crashes since, well very early on. I know that plain crashes are really rare, but watching this show made my forget about all that. In this show, a few actors acted out what really happend. When all the smoke goes into the cabins and every one is caughing for there lifes, or when 3 out of 4 enjins break down and there's no other choise but to make an emergecy landing. When sitting in your seat knowing that this was your last few hours left on earth. I would hate to experiance that, witch is why im dreading to go on plains now. The most scary part about going on a plain for me is right at the biggining when the flight attendants or showing what to do incase of an emergency. oh, and I hate going to the wash room on plains. I just hold it in untill I can't bear it anymore. That is why flighin is one of my biggest yeah.
Public speaking- Well I did my whole last blog post on public speaking, so I don't want to bore you by repeating it all. But you probaly get the fact that I'm reallllly scared of it.
Starting a new school- Walking down those scary hall ways, all eyes on you. No one wants to have any thing to do with you because your "different". It's all silent apart from a few wispers. Starting as new school. I personly hate that whole experiance. And I know that I am not alone when one of my greatest fears is starting a new school. I have only started a new school once in my life, which isn't to bad compeard to some other people I know. How scary would it be to start 4 diferent schools in four differenty countries. I would neveer be able to do that. Thats why starting new schools is one of my 3 biggest fears!
Public speaking. Flying. Starting a new school. Three of my biggest fears.
Life lesson- Never let your fears bring you down, and never avoid them. The more you do them the less hard it gets.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
P is for public speaking
Every ones looking at me, I am feeling so much pressure to be the best I can be. Sweat is running down my face, my hart is beating so fast its about to jump out. What if I mess up, or start to chock or even faint?! I am so worried about what others might think of me.
Stage fright. This is what usually happens to me when I am forced to go up in front of people and speak. This happens to allot of people. But some thing I learned is that the biggest fear of all is fear its self. This means that you are more worried about being scared then actually doing what your scared about, in the case, stage fright. But I know that I am not alone when I say I have stage fright, lots of people have it, so no ones alone. Even celibrites get nevous, of either going on a talk show, or preforming a concert.
But if you really think about, whats the worst that can happen? You stutter a bit, or forget a line. No one is judging you, because if you doing something like the LA speech, everyone else is nevous aswell, so they can't blaim you for messing up if they no that there going to do it too.
Life lesson: The biggets fear of all is fear its self.
Stage fright. This is what usually happens to me when I am forced to go up in front of people and speak. This happens to allot of people. But some thing I learned is that the biggest fear of all is fear its self. This means that you are more worried about being scared then actually doing what your scared about, in the case, stage fright. But I know that I am not alone when I say I have stage fright, lots of people have it, so no ones alone. Even celibrites get nevous, of either going on a talk show, or preforming a concert.
But if you really think about, whats the worst that can happen? You stutter a bit, or forget a line. No one is judging you, because if you doing something like the LA speech, everyone else is nevous aswell, so they can't blaim you for messing up if they no that there going to do it too.
Life lesson: The biggets fear of all is fear its self.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The rainy weather, the posh people, London. Well that's not all England is, but its what people us ally think it is. In fact, most people in England have never actually been to London since there is such a huge population and lots of different cities. I spent my last 10 years in England and no quite alto about it.
Most people think that all posh people live in England, since that is where the Queen lives. Also that every one drinks tea and eats crumpets and scones. Not really, lots have people never really ate them.
And then there is the weather. Yes, it is usually rainy and cold with not to much snow. My first winter here was pretty insane, I had never in my whole life experienced so much snow. I was really shocked. But then after a while a kind of got use to it.
But over all I really liked England and its culture. That's a bit about England.
Most people think that all posh people live in England, since that is where the Queen lives. Also that every one drinks tea and eats crumpets and scones. Not really, lots have people never really ate them.
And then there is the weather. Yes, it is usually rainy and cold with not to much snow. My first winter here was pretty insane, I had never in my whole life experienced so much snow. I was really shocked. But then after a while a kind of got use to it.
But over all I really liked England and its culture. That's a bit about England.
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